Group Classes
and Private Instruction

Register below

4 Seasons Yoga: Springtime Serenity
Tuesday 9:30 -11:00 AM Mountain Time
An all-levels class beginning with SATYA floor movements to lubricate joint spaces, hydrate connective tissue and prepare for stabilizing standing postures, simple, yet energizing back arching, and nourishing, supported inversions. Options are presented for any level of practitioner.

Practice via Zoom or on your own schedule with the class recording. Class recording will be available for 7 days to all who register

Morning Meditation
Monday and Thursday 7:00-7:30 AM Mountain Time
10 minutes of meditation theory and practice discussion, including an inspirational prompt, followed by 20 minutes of silent meditation. Suitable for any level of experience.

Videos on Demand
Greatest hits of previously recorded classes for your unlimited access. Find them by clicking “videos” on the top bar in registration.


Yoga for Back-Care and Scoliosis
at AuraFitness, 1337 Gusdorf Rd
Friday 9:00-10:30 AM
For students with scoliosis, or other back-care issues, and anyone seeking a slower paced class focused on precise alignment and breath awareness. Ease pain, cultivate gentle strength and supple mobility, and learn strategies for daily maintenance and injury prevention. Internal inquiry is woven into each session for a deep healing beyond the physical.
$18 drop-in or with an Aura Fitness punch card.

The Vayus: Balancing the Five Winds
at the Morada Lane Yoga Studio
Tuesdays, May 21 - June 18
5:30 - 7:00 PM
In this five-week course we will explore the elements, energetics, and body systems that correlate to each vayu with asana, meditation and breath awareness. The vayus, or winds of the body are: apana, moving downward; samana, circulating; prana, expanding; udana, upward; and vyana, all pervasive.
$80 for full course. Space is limited to 7 students. To register, scroll to May 21 in the registration platform below or to the right.

(on-line or in-person)
Build a practice based on your personal and specific needs catered to your schedule.

1.25-hour: $85 (on-line) $95 (in-studio)
Four 1-hour sessions: $220 (on-line) $240 (in-studio)
1.5-hour: $100 (on-line) $108 (in-studio)
Three 1.5 hour sessions: $250 (on-line) $270 (in-studio)
Prices for private sessions do not include sales tax.

Call 575-758-8007 or email Sonya to schedule a private yoga session at the Morada Lane Yoga Shala or via Zoom.

for classes and videos


“Words can’t really describe how delicious I find your class. It is more a guided meditation, a remembering of truth, a focusing. I never fail to feel gratitude for your teaching.”
– Robin Z.